Short story.

In the writting class we had to write a story of a mínimum of 450 words, this is my story:

26 of July.

That 26 of july 1988 in New York was a rainy day, it was the first time they met. His name was John, he was a tall man with brown hair and green ayes, she, was Samara, she wasnt very tall, she had Brown hair and brown eyes.

Samara´s parents were separated, she lived with her mother in Chicago, but that summer she went to his father´s house. Since her parents got divorced she was very mad with life, all the friends she had were tatued or had an expanded earing. In the moment she arrived at his father´s house she didn´t reet anyone and immediately she left the house and went to know the city of New York.

She bought a milkshake and when she was walking she came across a tall man with green eyes.

“Sorry it was my fault.”, He said to her.

“No, it doesn’t matter, don’t worry.”

“I´m John. “,  He stretched his hand.

“Samara.”, She replied smiling.

It was the first time they saw each other and both knew they were in love. John offered to show her the city. For the first time in ten years Samara was laughing and seemed to be happy. They arrived at Samara´s house.

“Tomorrow at 12 I will come for you, I want to show you something.”, and he left.

At 12:00am John knocked on Samara´s door.

He had a scarf in his hand and tied it to Samara´s eyes.

They arrived at a field full of flowers.

“It´s beautiful.”, Exclaimed Samara.


John had a tupper with sandwiches, they ate them and talked and laughed until the night came.

“Oh! It´s very late!” , Exclaimed Samara and both started laughing.

“I have reserved a dinner for tomorrow in the best restaurant in  the city.”

“John, you don’t have to do that.”

“But I did it.”

They came back to Samara´s house.

“Tomorrow at 8:00pm I’m going to be here.”

At  8 John arrived at Samara´s house. They had dinner in the restaurant and then they went for a walk to the city. They saw each other and John kissed her.

“Nobody had kissed me before.”

“Really?.”, They laughed.

They spent all summer together.

Last summer´s day, they were resting in the field.



“I´m going to get married.”

“This must be a joke.”

Samara stood up and started walking.

“No! Samara! Please, wait!.”

“We spent all the summer together! You kissed me and now you tell me you are going to get married! You kissed me!! I really hate you!.”

“I´m in love with you.”

“No John! Stop!.”
“Com here in two years,  I promise we are going to be together forever.”

Samara went away, she loved John but she could not be in love with him, he was going to get married and also could not wait two years, she realized that was the last time they saw each other.


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