
In the Language lesson with read what a story was and we made a chart with the information...

And then we where asked to made a story with a promet sentence: Prompt sentence: MARK COULDNT BELIEVE HIS GOOD LUCK.

  • Five conectors.
  • Three consequence markers.
  • Two examples of direct speech.

Mark couldnt believe his good luck, he convence his mother on going to a camp with his friends. The first day there they were they were thinking about something to do.
-I think we should play hide and sick- Said mark.
-I hate that game, we can go to see the horses and after that we can go to the swimingpool.-Answered his best friend.
-I have an idea! Horse race, the winner wil win a bag with candies.- Replied another girl.

Mark was notably very vervous whereas he had never in his life ride a horse.
However he was going to play. At the moment the rise was going to start he sclamed
-I had never ride a horse.-
-Dont worry me ider- Answer one girl.
The race started at first it was very difficul for mark to ride the horse but then he did it very well, he was third, then second, and in the moment the rise was ending he passed the first one. As a result he won the candy bag an share it with his friends.


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