An Essay on The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

In the subject of Writing, we studied what is a Literary Essay and how to writte one, to write we should write about the themes, tones,etc from the story "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", which we read it in the subject of literature. We shout writte It between 350 To 400 words. 

In "The Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", by Robert Louis Stevenson, a doctor named Henry Jekyll, thinks everyone has a double personality. He creates a potion to separate the two sides and turns into the evil one, it is Mr.Hyde which takes him to death. The themes of this story are "The Duality of Human Nature, the Importante of Reputation and Rational versus Irrational"

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde centers upon a conception of Duality of Human Nature. Jekyll says that "Man is not truly one, but truly two." And he imagines one side is the "ángel" and the other side is "devil". So Jekyll creates a potion that separates those two sides, Hyde respresents the "devil" because he kills and commites crimes. And Jekyll is the "ángel" because he is respectful and nice. His "devil" started to dominate once he lets it loose.

Another topic is "The Importante of Reputation" it is shown when Jekyll starts to not get out of his house at night because Hyde will be discovered and everyone will know he is Hyde and when he has a place only for Hyde to live.  In many oportunities of the novel Utterson wants to preserve Jekyll´s reputation but also Enfield wants to preserve Hyde's one. So,after telling the incident of the window to Utterson, he said: "Here is another lesson to say nothing. I am ashamed of my long tounge. Let us make a bargain never to refer to this again"

The last topic is Rational versus Irrational. Jekyll is rational because he knows that what he is doing and planning, the creation of a potion to separate our bad side from good side is wrong. He is also irrational because separating bad side from good side in a person is totally irrational. Hyde is irrational because since in the story he represents a beast, he kills by instinct. 

As a conclusion, what I learnt from this book is that everyone must be careful with the things we create or invent, potions, things, problems, etc, because they may be dangerous and can cause damage and hurt someone or something, including ourselves.


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