
Mostrando las entradas de 2014

For and against essay

In the past years until now, many people talk about the teachers that teach in public schools that go on strike or not attending to their jobs as teachers. Some people think this is ok and some do not. It is hard to see the difference in number of people that believe each side of this discussion.  On the one hand, people that believe this is ok, or most of those people believe those teachers have the right to strike because they are not being payed. They also believe that teachers have that right because they teach in schools where they are not paid but they also have to deal with children or teenagers that are not respectful and are hard to handle, and often get hurt. They, the teachers, tend to get pregnant or not appear at work at all, but once again people think it is ok because they are not being paid.  On the other hand, other people believe that this is wrong because those children and teenagers that miss days of school have less chances of a better future, tho...

An Essay on The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

In the subject of Writing, we studied what is a Literary Essay and how to writte one, to write we should write about the themes, tones,etc from the story "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", which we read it in the subject of literature. We shout writte It between 350 To 400 words.  In "The Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", by Robert Louis Stevenson, a doctor named Henry Jekyll, thinks everyone has a double personality. He creates a potion to separate the two sides and turns into the evil one, it is Mr.Hyde which takes him to death. The themes of this story are "The Duality of Human Nature, the Importante of Reputation and Rational versus Irrational" Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde centers upon a conception of Duality of Human Nature. Jekyll says that "Man is not truly one, but truly two." And he imagines one side is the "ángel" and the other side is "devil". So Jekyll creates a potion that separates those ...


Durante el año en la clase de plástica trabajamos con diferentes dibujos que son las siguientes... La carátula, se hace todos los años, este año, elegimos algo que nos representara, yo eleji un payaso, por que hago reír a la gente muy fácil y me hacen reír muy fácil. Luego hicimos un circulo cromático con diferentes colores  Elegimos dos colores del círculo de los que yo eleji el violeta y el azul y tuvimos que hacer un dibujo con esos dibujos y sus contrarios  Con palabras que nos representaran teníamos que hacer un dibujo con esas palabras, las palabras que eleji fueron: alegría,felicidad, emoción, y risa Primero dibujamos figuras geométricas e inventamos una historia con esas figuras  Luego con la historia de otro, buscamos colores que lo pudiera reprentar en revistas y armamos la historia  Desde un punto de fuga hicimos tres edificios, uno grande, uno más chico y el ultimo más atrás también dibujamos una cas...

Plata (Ag)

Short story.

In the writting class we had to write a story of a mínimum of 450 words, this is my story: 26 of July. That 26 of july 1988 in New York was a rainy day, it was the first time they met. His name was John, he was a tall man with brown hair and green ayes, she, was Samara, she wasnt very tall, she had Brown hair and brown eyes. Samara´s parents were separated, she lived with her mother in Chicago, but that summer she went to his father´s house. Since her parents got divorced she was very mad with life, all the friends she had were tatued or had an expanded earing. In the moment she arrived at his father´s house she didn´t reet anyone and immediately she left the house and went to know the city of New York. She bought a milkshake and when she was walking she came across a tall man with green eyes. “Sorry it was my fault.”, He said to her. “No, it doesn’t matter, don’t worry.” “I´m John. “,   He stretched his hand. “Samara.”, She replied smiling. It was ...

Un caso psicopatologico

En la clase de lengua nos asignaron escribir un cuento de locura y espanto, la profesora nos dio distintos temas a alegir para escribir nuestras historias, nosotras elegimos "un caso psicopatologico". -Tome señor!- -¿Que plato me ofrece hoy?- dijo Tomas -Carne de vaca, una especialidad mia- -Muchas gracias chef, ¿Cuanto falta para llegar?- -Estaremos arribando al puerto en una hora- Una hora después, tomas se baja del crucero, e inmediatamente va a visitar a su tía. Paso el día con ella y al caer el sol tuvo que regresar a su casa donde su familia lo esperaba. Todo pareció normal durante dos días desde su regreso hasta que el tercer día, durante la noche, algo muy extraño le sucedió a el y a la gente con la que estuvo. Todos como lunáticos salieron corriendo a la calle a comer y matar a las personas que se les cruzaban. Los agarraban desprevenidos y sin poder siquiera pegar un grito les arrancaban la cabeza y al caer al piso les clavaban los dientes, los ab...

Poesia Visual

Juntó con las materias de Prácticas de Lenguaje, Arte y Tic investigamos sobre una artista. Nosotros elegíamos que artista hacer, junto con mis compañeras Cecilia Parodi y Carolina Corniola elegimos a Cecilia Biagini. Hicimos un video relatando un poema que escribimos sobre su arte, pusimos algunas de sus obras en el video. Elegimos a Cecilia Biagini porque sus obras nos parecieron brillantes y creativas, fue una gran inspiración. 


Dear John is a romantic story by Lasse Hallstom. This romantic story is based on a guy's life, John, who is a soldier who returns from the army. He returns home some days and falls for Savanna (Amanda Seyfried) a young student from a strict university. Even thought he is in love with her, he has to go back to the military army. These two teens meet because Savanna's purse felt to the sea, John saw it and grabs it. Savanna invites him for a drink and immediately they fall in love. However there was a problem, John has to came back to the military army. They decide to send letters everyday to stay in contact. One day, a letter arrive saying that Savanna has fallen for another man. The movie is full of depressing and beautiful moments. As this is a love story, the author tries to make people cry. It is a moving story. If you really want to cry and you like love stories, I thoughtfully recommend this movie, dear John.

Feudos Franceses

La profesora de historia nos entregó un trabajo práctico en el cual tenemos que inventar nuestro propio feudo, su escudo, su nombre y donde esta ubicado. 1) En el suroeste de Francia, se encuentra una mediana provincia llama Bordeaux. Dentro de ella se encuentra el feudo principal llamado “Villaburd”. 2) Como todo Feudo, Villabord tenía su propio escudo. Este tiene la forma de un escudo de Francia antiguo. En general, el escudo es color Gules (rojo) simbolizando sangre, guerra y honor. En el feudo, cuando se lucha, todos luchan por el honor y el respeto hacia el feudo y el amor a la familia. Además, es un solo color ya que representa la unidad de los humanos con la gracia divina y eso implica confianza y fe junto al cristianismo (porque todos son cristianos) En el medio del escudo se encuentra una cruz color amarillo simbolizando oro y respeto hacia la religión Cristiana. Esto tambien simboliza fe. En los costados se encuentran dos leones, ambos de color negro de cuerpo, pero sus cabez...


Con las materias prácticas del lenguaje, tics y plástica escribimos un poema basados en obras de arte del magba, un museo que visitamos. Luego realizamos una intervención en todo el colegio con papeles, la intervención era sobre como expresaríamos ese poema con papeles. Les sacamos fotos a las intervenciones y con esas fotos realizamos otra intervención en una imagen propia de cuerpo entero, la imagen es la siguiente... 


In Drama I was asked to create a character and give him voice so I write a monologue. This is my delivering of the mologue....

Dr Jekyll. Mr Hyde

Today, 23 July, 1986, I was in my laboratory... Everyday I invent experiments. Im a good scientist, but when i make potions I try them on animals. This time I wanted to try another kind of potion, a potion that can make me grow, but this time i was not going to use it on an animal, I was going to drink it, what can be wrong? I was mixing the potions when Poole knocked on the door, my parents arrived home, I left he potions on the desk of my laboratory. I have dinner with my parents, and when they left i ran to my laboratory. I remember there where seven potions, i only used two of them, but at the moment i couldnt remember the ones i used, so i guess i will use the first two. Obviously, I was wrong. I finished mixing the potions and I drank them. My hands starte shaking, all my body, I wasnt growing, I was turning into something, the hair of my face appeared, hair appeare in my hands too, I was very scared. I looked at myself on the mirror... I was another man, I was horrible, I ...


With the literature writting teacher we made a description of a place, in my case, i choose Paris.. Paris is the capital of France, its located on the Seine River, in the north of the country. Paris has a population of 2.211 millon people. From Argentina to Paris, to get there we have to travel by plane. In Paris the local transport are, taxis, buses, and the metro. The major insustries are manufacturing industry, oil refining, steel, cement and aluminium. And there are some historical details like the Cathedral of Notredan, the Mona Lisa painting that is in Louvre Museum, and the Eifeel tower that has 324 meters tall. In summer, the temperature stays at 25C, Paris winters are very cold, the the temperature is of 6C and 1C. In Paris there are very good and positive things, some of them are, that there are many museums and places to visit, people who play music in the metro while people are waiting for the train, the cheese, wine and bread are cheap. But there are alao b...

Salida a Buenos Aires

El 16 de mayo hicimos un viaje en micro al museo de arte contemporaneo, Macba, los alumnos del Colegio Newlands de segundo año. Porque es uno de los proyectos de partida de poesia visual y en plastica estamos viendo lo mismo, dibujos con formas y figuras geometricas. El museo era muy grande y moderno, alli nos explicaron muchas cosas y nos decian de dar nuestra opinion. Los cuadros eran muy originales y te hacian pensar que se movian.   También twitteamos sobre lo que sentíamos de esas obras...Aquí hay algunas de las obras que vimos  También visitamos el museo etnográfico que nos mostraron algunas cosas que usaba la gente en otra épocas, aquí hay algunas fotos de ellas...

Que es la poesía visual?

La poesía visual es una imágen que se expresa incorporando elementos de la poesía. Esta imágen es una poesía virtual porque expresa algo, S& quiere decir Sand y representa un reloj de arena, de ahí la palabra Sand.  Aca les dejo el link: http://www.anatol.cc/concrete_poetry.html#.U3Sv8323PMI

Estado liquido


Poesia Virtual

A partir del poema "Los difíciles días de la lombriz" de Laura Devetach, elegimos la canción   "Te necesito" de Cali y Dandee  y la transformamos en una poesía visual Acá les dejo el video de la cancion elegida: