Dear editor

Letter writting
Whose responsibilily is it to prevent crime? Write a letter to the editor explaning your views. Give specific examples of what the police can do to protect themselves and their neighbours.
Start the letter "Dear editor", follow the plan in page 93, use usefull expressions:

  • Introducty commets (1)
  • Agreeing (3)
  • Explaining your views (2)
  • Clarifying (2)
Dear editor,
I  am a resident of Adrogue and i have received the news of the crimes comitted in Rivertown, for this reason i´m writting you this letter to give you some advice of how to prevent the crimes.
I fully agree with the people who say the government is responsible for preventing the crimes, but they dont have all the responsiability. That is to say that people have to prevent, and some of the pieces of advice i can give are for example, install alarms in their homes, avoid talking to strangers in the street and algo i fully support the idea of some parents to control their sons celphones to see who are they talking. I also in agreement to look to your neighbours houses sometimes to check everythings okey. Because of this if for example you forget the front door open, they can call to let you know.
See you!


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