The day the Mountain Blew Apart.

With Vicky Gregov we read a story called "The day the Mountain Blew Apart". The story is about a volcano which erupted on may 18, 1980 in Washington. We were talking a lot of this, and we bring some images and information, we also made a questionarie and we made a summary of this strory.
The story "The day the Mountain Blew Apart" is what is known as a HISTORICAL NARRATVE, that means that is a story of a historical event, the people and places are true, but it is written as a story. Biographies are usually historical narratives.

The volcano erupted on May 18, 1980, Jerry Wheeler a man that was on holidays there, and David Johnston, a goverment scientific that was studing the mountain and died when he was studing the mountain. The magma had been rising and pushing inside the mountain, making it expand until breaking point, 57 people die, more people will die but it was sunday and there was not much people in the streets. The forest was totally destroyed, there was ashes everywhere so the people didn´t go out of their homes, and they coudn´t breath because the ashes. Gophers worked like plows bringing the ruth soil to the surface. The forest will take many year to recover. ELK bones help flowers to grow. 

I really liked the story but I wouldn´t like to live in a place like that... I would be very afraid.


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