
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2015

Dear editor

Letter writting Whose responsibilily is it to prevent crime? Write a letter to the editor explaning your views. Give specific examples of what the police can do to protect themselves and their neighbours. Start the letter "Dear editor", follow the plan in page 93, use usefull expressions: Introducty commets (1) Agreeing (3) Explaining your views (2) Clarifying (2) Dear editor, I  am a resident of Adrogue and i have received the news of the crimes comitted in Rivertown, for this reason i´m writting you this letter to give you some advice of how to prevent the crimes. I fully agree with the people who say the government is responsible for preventing the crimes, but they dont have all the responsiability. That is to say that people have to prevent, and some of the pieces of advice i can give are for example, install alarms in their homes, avoid talking to strangers in the street and algo i fully support the idea of some parents to control their sons celphones...

Oh Romeo, oh Romeo!

In the class of language we were signed to make a review with the instruction the teacher gave us. This is the instruction: What´s your opinion about the play? Why did/didnt you like it? What did the script writers take into account when they wrote the scrip? Why do you think it meant lot of work to put on this play? What aspects do you think were taken into account? Why was the play succesfull? Write a review covering the above points: USE: In my opinion Personally, i believe/guess From the artistic point of view I dont agree with Im against Connectors(10) I really liked the play. Personally, I believe that although they werent actors the performance was similarly like the tv ones, additionally it was very well organised, and they notably seemed to be in role all along the play. In my opinion, the theme of the play was boring, above all , they could have make it more entertaining. Personally, i guess they took into account, the play was not exactly as Romeo and Juli...

Texto argumentativo

En la clase de lengua leimos y trabajamos con el texto argumentativo y vimos sus caracteristicas las cuales son...


La profesora de biología nos asignó ver un video sobre el unosida para luego responder unas preguntas, esas preguntas fueron.. 1) ¿Qué es ONUSIDA?  2) ¿Cuáles son los objetivos que proponen? 3) ¿A qué refiere el título de esta entrada? ¡LLEGUEMOS A CERO! 1) La ONUSIDA es una Organizacion de las Naciones Unidas para hacerle frente a la epidemia del sida (Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida) 2) La ONUSIDA propone tres objetivos: que el virus no se propague mas, que no se discrimine a las personas que tienen sida y que no haya mas muertes a causa del sida. 3) El título sugiere que a través de la consientización, prevención y educación se termine con la discriminación, muertes e infección a causa del sida.


La profesora de biología nos asigno observar la siguiente imagen Y con ella, nos dio unas preguntas para responder. 1. Obsérvarlo y luego listar las ideas y/o palabras que muestra el afiche. 2. Explicar con mis palabras el significado del título. 3) Crear una nube que incluya las palabras claves. 1) Infección.     Gente que no lo sabe.     Test de VIH.     Cuidarse.     Prevenir usando preservativos. 2) El título del afiche quiere decir que esta en nuestras manos prevenir esta enfermedad, y enterarnos si la padecemos para hacer tratamiento. 3) Yo realice un popplet