
Mostrando las entradas de junio, 2015

Un veneno saludable

En la clase de lengua leímos el libro "Un veneno saludable", luego de leer el libro, sacamos algunas frases del libro con una consigna asignada. Luego twitteamos esas frases y con los twitts creamos una historia en Storyfi. Esta es mi historia


In Language we are studing how to write a fable and its characteristics. Then we had to wirte about an occasion when we learned something from watching, or interacting with an animal. When we finished we had to make a comic in groups including animals. Here is our comic, we used Pixton .

Femur, el hueso largo

Mientras hacíamos una observación de material fresco, un fémur de vaca, tomamos fotos de éste y luego lo intervenimos y nombramos sus partes con una aplicación llamada "Skitch"

Atucha 1

En la clase de físico química estuvimos estudiando las centrales nucleares, atucha 1, atucha 2, y embalse, con sus características, como funcionan, etc. Luego nos dividimos en grupos y cada uno elijo una central nuclear, acá esta la mía.

Diversidad Argentina

En la clase de geografía estamos trabajando con los diferentes paisajes de la Argentina y algunas de sus características...


In the Language lesson with read what a story was and we made a chart with the information... And then we where asked to made a story with a promet sentence: Prompt sentence: MARK COULDNT BELIEVE HIS GOOD LUCK. USE: Five conectors. Three consequence markers. Two examples of direct speech. Mark couldnt believe his good luck, he convence his mother on going to a camp with his friends. The first day there they were they were thinking about something to do. -I think we should play hide and sick- Said mark. -I hate that game, we can go to see the horses and after that we can go to the swimingpool.-Answered his best friend. -I have an idea! Horse race, the winner wil win a bag with candies.- Replied another girl. Mark was notably very vervous whereas he had never in his life ride a horse. However he was going to play. At the moment the rise was going to start he sclamed -I had never ride a horse.- -Dont worry me ider- Answer one girl. The race star...

Informal E-mail

In the Language lesson we read the theory of an informal email and we where asked to made a chart with the inormation...