How important were republican reactions to the wall street crash as causes of Roosevelt's succes in the presidential election on 1932?
When the wall street crash took place, Hoover and the republicans were in power. They set up some measures to solve the problem. That same year, Roosevely won the presidential elections. There are some arguments that this was because the measures the republicans took. In regards the measures, we can mention that he cut taxes to stimulate people to buy more goods, he also persuaded bussines leaders not to cut wages, he set up the reconstuction finance company, he stoped banks from banckrupt, he also introduced tarifs to protect industries, but it made it worse. Hoover believed that all this economic problems were European's fault. In addition the government didn't intervened, they thought that prosperity would came back alone. He neither helped people of suffering depression, Hoover thought that if he helped them they would became less independet and less willing to work. Although the measures Hoover took, he was known as the president of "doing nothing", american ...