ACTIVITY: USE: Ten conect ors Two metaphors One retorical question Simple past, simple continous. Direct speech. When Youssef FINALLY finished the Univercity he decided that it would be imposible to become an actor SINCE he acts rrealy bad. But, what he was going to do? AS A RESULT he made a list of all the things he was good on, LIKE cooking, singing, drawing, and teaching. Some weeks before he SENDED an e-mail to an academy in Europe serching for job. He check his e-mail account and he had recibed an answer, telling him that ALTHOUGHT he was not recibed as a profesor they need one urgently. CONSEQUENTLY he run where his mother was and tell her... -Mon, an academy in Europe give me a job to became a professor. - Oh! Tha`s exellent! What are you going to teach? -They told me i can decide what subject i prefer. - You have a NOTABLY facility on explaining history. -Yeah...LIKE you! We are living tomorrow, I love planes i feel FRESH WITH BIRDS FLYING I...